Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand in the UK Essay

Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand in the UK - Essay Example Simply, the monetary policy of the government is to control the liquidity balance in the economy affecting the movement of the macroeconomic variables by adjusting interest rates. On the other hand, fiscal policy is an attempt of the government for influencing the economic activity by changing the level and rate of taxation and government expenditure. (Grant and Vidler, 2000, pp 165-167). In the UK, Bank of England is responsible for controlling and directing monetary movement in the economy with the monetary policy. The Bank of England has the power to set the rate of interest independently along with requirements. In case of fiscal policy, the government itself has taken important steps in strengthening the fiscal policy framework since taking office. The government directs the fiscal policy decisively and confidently for sustaining medium-term public finances based on the authoritarian rules and regulations. If possible the fiscal policy supports the monetary policy regarding the movements of the economic and financial parameters of the country. This balancing approach of the fiscal policy together with the monetary policy endows with the stage of solidity essential for accomplishing the Governments fundamental economic purpose of providing a high and sustainable growth and employment in the economy.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

General Principles of Ecology Essay Example for Free

General Principles of Ecology Essay The term ecology refers to the study of abundance and distribution of living organism in an ecosystem, together with the interaction that exists between them and the natural environment. The distribution of organisms is usually influenced by the adaptation of a certain organism to the environment. An adaptation refers to an organism’s ability to exist successfully in a given environment. Therefore, organisms can only exist in environments that they are adapted to. When a given species of animal or plant is adapted in a given natural environment, then it becomes distributed in that environment densely and in high numbers. Those that lack the ability to adapt well are poorly distributed, since they cannot cope with the pressures or stress that emanate from the environmental conditions. Different species of plants can be adapted to low and high –nutrient environments. Plants always try to adapt to the environments in several ways. The plants that inhabit low –nutrient areas grow at a slow rate, as an adaptation to the scarcity of nutrients. These plants also have the ability to recycle nutrients internally. Those in high nutrient areas on the other hand grow fast. They have the ability to control the absorption of nutrients at minimum levels. The breakdown of dead organic matter in the soil undergoes several processes. The first process of breakdown involves the alteration of the organic matter chemical components. This is then followed by another process, whereby the chemical components are split or fragmented. After undergoing these two processes, the organic matter mineral nutrients are then released into the soil and they are then converted into simpler components that can be absorbed by the plants. The day length influences the seasonal activity of plants and animals, because the length of the day length triggers certain changes. These changes include the climatic patterns in an area. Both plants and animals synchronize their behavioral and physiological activities with the seasonal changes. By doing this, they are able to carry out certain activities based on the season of the year. For example, the migration in animals is sometimes synchronized with the seasonal changes. Plants on the other hand, synchronize activities such as pollination with seasons when the activity can be easily facilitated by the pollinators. Temperature conditions in a given natural ecosystem affect the response of both the homeotherms and the poikilotherms. While the homeotherms have the ability to maintain their internal environment temperature at a stable level, the poikilotherms on the other hand cannot regulate their internal environment temperature. Changes in temperature triggers behavioral changes in poikilotherms as they try to regulate their body temperature depending on the external temperature. For example, some poikilotherms may bask out in the sun so as to regulate body temperature by warming their bodies. The homeotherms try to regulate their body temperature using feedback mechanisms in their body systems. For instance, their blood vessels may undergo dilatation or constriction as their bodies try to conserve heat. Climatic changes may trigger an inactive state in animals, especially during the cold season or winter. Hibernation and torpor are two examples behavioral adaptations in animals to very low temperatures. In both, animals go into a state of inactivity and they lower their body metabolism as a strategy of conserving energy . However, there is one major difference between the two. In hibernation, the animals’ body temperature at a significant level. Animals that hibernate become inactive for a long period of time. Torpor on the other hand is whereby animals lower their body temperature but at minimal levels as compared to that in hibernators. Animals that undergo torpor may be inactive but usually wake up several times. The Black Bear is not considered as a true hibernator because its body temperature does not reduce significantly as that of a true hibernator . Furthermore, the bear remains alert and active during the period of â€Å"hibernation†. References Odum, E. P. (1971) . General Principles of Ecology, Third Edition W. B. Suanders Company. Smith, T. M. , and Smith, R. L. (2005). Elements of Ecology. (6th Edition). Benjamin Cummings Publishers

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Secondhand Smoke Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Thesis: Smokers usually move through five stages to quit smoking, and non-smokers have to help them constantly and carefully. Credibility Statement: In high school health class, we have been taught about how smoking cigarettes affects our body. But my school had a different program compared to other schools. There was study session only for cigarette smokers. I took the session for a semester and learned a lot more than I used to know about smoking cigarettes. Also I have helped my friends to quit smoking with the knowledge I have been taught. Audience Relevancy Statement: I believe this topic is relevant to the audience, because some of classmates may have parents who smoke, or some friends who smoke. They may want to help those smokers to quit, but they do not really know what to do for helping them to quit smoking. This is going to be a good chance to learn how to help quitting smoking to both smoker and non-smoker. Attention Gather: (Showing calculation of money save by quitting smoking) It would give an idea to audience how much money people spend on cigarettes for their lifetime. Introduction I. Quitting smoking saves more than your money. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It saves your health and your healthy life. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Your body functions better without smoking. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It reduces your risk of getting cancer. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It provides more benefits to other people around you. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  &...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ece 315

EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ECE 332 ROBERT GALLO FEBRUARY 20, 2012 Child development is a process involving developmental milestones during predictable time periods. Brain maturation lays the foundation for all other aspects of a child’s development. Growth and development of the brain is rapid, exceedingly complex, and influenced by a combination of maternal environment and genetics (Marotz, p28).This paper will include the developmental characteristics/milestones of preschoolers, appropriate activities that will enhance their cognitive, motor, social, emotional, and language development, and how the activities will enhance their development. Child development is a process that every child must go through. Major markers or points of accomplishments are referred to as developmental milestones in tracking the emergence of motor, social, cognitive, and language skills. They represent behaviors that appear in somewhat orderly steps and within fairly predictable age ranges for typ ically developing children.With developmental milestones, the child will need to develop a portion of skills before he/ she can establish new ones (Marotz, p. 26). Cognitive Development Jean Piaget called early childhood the preoperational stage of cognitive development because children this age are not yet ready to engage in logical mental operations, as they will be in the concrete operational stage in middle childhood. The preoperational stage, which lasts from approximately ages 2 to 7, is characterized by the use of symbols to represent objects and relationships among them (Rathus, p. 48). Advances in symbolic thought are accompanied by a growing understanding of causality, identities, categorization, and number. Some of these understandings have roots in infancy and toddlerhood; others begin to develop in early childhood but are not fully achieved until middle childhood (Papalia, p. 269). At this age, preschoolers: request stories with riddles, guessing, and suspense, plays re alistically, experiment with things to see how they work; takes objects apart and reassembles them into â€Å"new interventions†, places eight to ten egs in a pegboard or six round and six square blocks in a form board, Attempts to draw; imperfectly copies circles, squares and some letters, sorts objects logically on the basis of one dimension; usually chooses color size as a basis for classification, identifies triangle, circle, square; can point to requested shape, listens attentively to age appropriate stories, and makes relevant comments during stories, especially those that relate to home and family events (Marotz, p. 39). Motor Development Children ages 3 to 6 make great advances in motor skills both gross motor skills, which involve the large muscles, such as running and jumping, and fine motor skills, manipulative skills involving eye-hand and small-muscle coordination, such as buttoning and drawing. They also begin to show a preference for using either the right or l eft hand. Motor skills do not develop in isolation.The skills that emerge in early childhood build on the achievements of infancy and toddlerhood. Development of the sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex permits better coordination between what children want to do and what they can do. Their bones and muscles are stronger, and their lung capacity is greater, making it possible to run, jump, and climb farther, faster, and better (Papalia, p. 257).Preschoolers are able to: walk up and down stairs unassisted, balance momentarily on one foot, kicks a large ball, feeds self, needs minimal assistance, jumps in place, pedals a small tricycle or riding toy, catches a large bounced ball with both arms extended, enjoys swinging, shows improved control of crayons or markers, uses vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes, holds crayons or marker between first two fingers and thumb(tripod grasp), turns pages of book one at a time, enjoys building with blocks, builds a tower of eight o r more blocks, begins to show hand dominance, manipulates large buttons and zippers on clothing, achieves complete bladder control, for the most part, during this time (Marotz, p. 138). Language Development The development of vocabulary proceeds at an extraordinary pace. Preschoolers learn an average of nine new words a day (Rathus, p. 158). The preschooler can use their growing vocabulary and knowledge of grammar and syntax to communicate more effectively.Children seem to form a quick hypothesis about the meaning of the word, which then is refined with further exposure and usage (Papalia, p. 269). Word learning does not occur gradually but is better characterized as a process of fast mapping in which the child quickly attaches a new word to its appropriate concept. There is a grammar explosion during the third year. Children’s sentence structure expands to include the word’s missing in telegraphic speech. Usually between the ages of 3 and 4, children show knowledge of rules for combining phrases and clauses into complex sentences and add an array of articles, conjunctions, adjectives, pronouns, and propositions to their vocabulary (Rathus, p. 159).Preschoolers talk about objects, events, and people not present, talks about the actions of others, adds information to what has just been said, answers simple question appropriately, asks many questions, particularly about location and identity of objects and people, uses an increasing number of speech form that keep conversation going, calls attention to self, objects, or events in the environment, promotes the behavior of others, joins in social interaction rituals, comments about objects and ongoing events, recites nursery rhymes, sings songs, uses understandable speech most of the time, produces expanded noun phrases, answers questions dealing with familiar objects and events(Marotz, p. 141). Social and Emotional Development In early childhood, children’s sense of self develops and grows mo re complex. They begin to acquire a sense of their own and abilities and their increasing mastery of the environment. In the preschool years, children continue to develop their sense of self. Almost as soon as they speak, they describe themselves in terms of certain categories such as age grouping and sex. One category of self-concept is self-esteem. Children with high self-esteem are more likely to be securely attached and have parents who are attentive to their needs. They are more likely to show prosocial behavior9Rathus, p. 174).Preschoolers express a wide range of emotions and are able to use appropriate labels such as mad, sad, happy, and just okay to differentiate their feelings. During this age, children’s emotional states are very situation-specific and can change as rapidly as they switch from one activity to another. As children develop from three-year-olds into five-year-olds, there is an increasing internalization and regulation over their emotions. As three-, fo ur-, and five-year-olds acquire new cognitive and language skills, they learn to regulate their emotions and to use language to express how they and others feel. Their emotions are very connected to the events and feelings that are occurring at that moment (Seefeldt, Wasik, p. 46).Preschoolers seem to understand taking turns but is not always willing to do so, laughs frequently; is friendly and eager to please, has occasional nightmares and fears about the dark, monsters or fire, joins in simple games and group activities, talks to self often, identifies self as boy or girl, uses objects symbolically in play, observes other children playing; might join in for a short time; often plays parallel to other children, defends toys and possessions; is becoming aggressive at times, engages in make believe play alone and with other children, shows affection toward children who are younger or children who get hurt, might continue to have a special blanket, stuffed animal, or toy for comfort ( Marotz, p. 142). Activities that will enhance cognitive development is I Spy (colors, shapes, textures, and so on), board games such as Memory, candy land or connect four , and simple puzzles. Motor activities may include dancing, pretend play, or riding tricycles, scooters, and pulling wagons. Language activities are reading the child’s favorite books, letting child be the storyteller, or simply engaging in conversation while asking questions.Musical activities, books or stories that deal with emotions, worries, and so on, and writing or drawing about what the child is feeling. Through music and movement young children express themselves, explore space, develop language and communication skills, increase sensory awareness, and express themselves through rhythm, gesture, time, and space. Recent neuropsychology research suggests that music and movement integrate the functions of both hemispheres of the brain and contribute to the language, social/emotional, cognitive, and phys ical development of young children. Music is one of the basic intelligences possessed by all humans and, as such, is an aspect of human potential.There is a musical impulse in young children, and their potential and aptitude for music are nurtured by the musical environment provided to them during infancy and early childhood. Music activities require neither specific skills nor competence, and all children are able to participate at varying levels of involvement from listening, to singing, to active movement (Eliason, p. 353). Music skills such as rhythm, meter, pitch, and tone are introduced to young children through music. Music enhances a sense of belonging to and functioning within a group. When responding to music and movement, the whole child is involved with voice, body, and emotions: listening, singing, moving to the beat, playing instruments, and imitating simple movements of objects or concepts.Learning music and words together, often accompanied by hand and body motions, is a wonderful way to wire brain connections for children’s learning. Reading and singing are closely connected; reading lyrics while singing also helps to develop reading and language skills. Additionally, it has long been recognized that music is a valuable memorization tool (Eliason, p. 353). Play promotes significant mental or cognitive skills. Research on brain growth and development supports the need for active and stimulating play for all children. Play gives the child opportunities to express thoughts and ideas. It provides occasions to organize, plan, solve problems, reason, try out solutions and skills, create and explore.According to the work of Piaget, play allows children to construct knowledge through assimilation, acquiring information through experiences, as well as through accommodation or modification of an existing point of view because information cannot be integrated into a particular scheme of understanding. Play contributes to the child’s develop ment of imaginative thinking. Play enables children to formulate ideas and then to test them. Much skill development occurs through play. During play, children have the opportunity to develop their senses of touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight to assimilate new stimuli. In addition, their attention spans are expanded as they stay on task and remain attentive to activities in which they are involved (Eliason, p. 25). Play assists communication, language, and literacy development.Many researchers think that communication skills are developed in part through peer play and the need for children to communicate with each other in their play. Play stretches the vocabulary and expands language development by providing opportunities to use new words, converse with playmates, listen to another’s language and point of view, learn new semantics (meanings of words), and hear and subsequently use new syntax (parts of speech). Play synthesizes previous experiences and thoughts, allowing c hildren to piece them together. Because children plan, communicate, listen, read, and write in their play, it offers the right conditions for learning language and literacy skills.Play also fosters creativity and aesthetic appreciation, which can influence the way children think and solve problems (Eliason, p. 26). Play promotes physical–motor development. Play is active; children are never passive recipients. Children use their bodies and increase large-muscle dexterity as they run, climb, skip, hop, jump, throw, and catch. Play, therefore, provides the exercise and physical activity needed to strengthen and coordinate children’s muscles and bodies. Children need play for health reasons. According to the American Heart Association, the U. S. obesity epidemic is currently affecting even young children, with more than 10% of 2- to 5-year-olds being overweight.The physical activity of play facilitates release of stress and helps children manage feelings in a positive way . Through physical play, children can learn appropriate ways to display aggression and other assertive behaviors without hurting themselves or others (Eliason, p. 27). Play encourages positive emotional development. Play affects the child’s motivation. It is the means for fostering a healthy personality, and it provides the opportunity for each child to discover the self. Play lets children express thoughts and ideas and try out ways of behaving and feeling. Play experiences provide safe avenues for expressing both positive and negative emotions.As they express thoughts and ideas, children can learn and be directed to the most positive ways of handling their emotions through support and reinforcement by both peers and teachers (Eliason, p. 27). There are many meaningful and remarkable benefits of stories in the lives of preschoolers; they open minds to understanding, touch hearts, and capture imaginations. Stories help children to make sense and meaning of the things that the y are taught. When ideas and concepts are taught with stories, they are remembered. Stories have a powerful effect because they not only impart ideas, concepts, and information and describe people, events, and places, but they also engage emotions.Through stories we exchange experiences and feelings. Stories clarify what is being taught and enable children to make sense and meaning of what the teacher is trying to teach (Eliason, p. 45). In conclusion, the developmental characteristics/milestones of preschoolers, appropriate activities that enhanced their cognitive, motor, social, emotional, and language development, and how the activities enhanced their development were discussed. Children in the stage of early childhood need a strong base of experiences that will provide a foundation for later learning. Children need experiences that encourage them to manipulate, explore, use their senses, uild, create, discover, construct, take apart, question, and ultimately understand the world in which they are living. They must be active, engaged, and involved in their learning. The larger the stock of experiences, the more meaning that they develop, the more elaborate is their map, and, ultimately, the clearer their thinking (Eliason, p. 41) REFERENCES: Allen, K. & Marotz, L. , (2010) Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth through Twelve Papalia, D. , Olds, S. & Feldman, R. (2010) A Childs World, Infancy through Adolescence, 11th Edition, McGraw Hill Rathus, S. A. (2011) CDEV 2010-2011 Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning Seefeldt, C, Wasik, B. A. (2006) Early Education: Three, Four, and Five Year Olds Go to School

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparison of Points of View on the War in Afghanistan

Compare and Contrast The war in Afghanistan is a constant focus for debate. There are those who believe that the United States is still doing a worthy effort in Afghanistan and that it is essential for the U. S. to keep a military presence there. On the other hand, there are the people that believe the United States can no longer achieve its goals if it continues to use military force. Authors Melanie Barton Zoltan and C. Ames Cushman argue both for and against the war in Afghanistan and the benefits each scenario can produce.Both authors focus on the structure of Afghanistan’s government, the involvement of Taliban and Al Qaeda on Afghanistan soil, and the effects the United States involvement would have on the women of Afghanistan. Both Zoltan and Cushman point out in their papers that controlling Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, does not really effect the government of the country. Zoltan argues that even with the Taliban removed from power in Kabul, they still hold consi derable power in Afghanistan.With Afghanistan’s lack of centralized government, the Taliban easily entrenched in the southern part of the country and began to rebuild their forces. As the United States attention moved to Iraq after the Taliban were removed from Kabul, they were easily able to form a foothold in other parts of Afghanistan. Zoltan points out that if the Unites States does not stay involved militarily, the Taliban will be able to regroup not only in Afghanistan but also in Afghanistan’s neighbor, Pakistan.Given enough time, Zoltan believes that the Taliban and any Al Qaeda associated with it will gain access to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Cushman argues that since the original objective of removing the Taliban from power has been achieved, the use of military force is no longer needed. He sees the mission now to be more of an educational mission if the United States really wants to create a new system of government. In Cushman’s paper, he de scribes the war as a war on the sharia law instead of a war on terrorism and that is not a commendable war to fight in a military way.If the United States keeps using military force as a way to achieve reconstruction of the government, than the Afghan people are going to keep turning to someone who thinks like they do, which would be the Taliban. Again, both authors admit that the Taliban are still a threat living in the Afghanistan outer borders. Zoltan believes that with the Taliban still established in Afghanistan, the United States cannot withdraw militarily. The risk is too great that the Taliban will regain control of all of Afghanistan and that once the US and NATO leave, Afghanistan will once again become a safe haven for terrorist groups.Zoltan also says that if the Taliban are able to regain Afghanistan, the Taliban in Pakistan will become bolder and even unite to create an even larger terrorist threat in the region. This will give the terrorists a great place to build str ength and launch attacks at the US and its allies. Cushman argues that the form of government in Afghanistan needs to be decided by the people of that country and it cannot be something decided by the United States. Even if the Taliban regain control of Afghanistan, it should be at the choice of the people.If the Taliban do make a comeback and take control without the support of the people, Cushman believes that it will not last because the Taliban has been weakened enough that they will not be able to sustain themselves. In both papers, women’s rights are addressed. Zoltan uses a section of a report by Physicians for Human Rights to show just how badly the women are treated in Afghanistan. She also gives statistics and other facts about how the women in Afghanistan used to be treated prior to the Taliban.She uses these to show that the United States really is doing well in Afghanistan for women’s rights and if the US were to pull out now, all that would be undone. Cus hman agrees that Sharia law is a harsh system of justice and that it discriminates against women. However, he says that is the way that Afghanistan is ruled and that the United States has no right to go and try to change this. He claims ‘It is important to step back and realize, however, that what we see as just and fair is just that – a â€Å"Western† notion, colored by our history, faith, and values. even the United States has not made an official statement saying that they are in Afghanistan to bring back women’s rights, and Cushman believes that until they do, this is no excuse for the US to stay in Afghanistan. In each author’s paper, the same topics were discussed but two points of view were shown. Zoltan showed in her paper that she was in favor of the United States military staying in Afghanistan because it provided the security from future terrorist organizations from using it as training ground.She also believed that it is provides a bette r situation for the people living in Afghanistan. Cushman shows that he does not support the involvement of the United States military in Afghanistan. He argues that it is a waste of time, money, and lives to keep fighting for something that will not last. The US cannot establish a sound government there and even if they did, the people of Afghanistan should have a right to select their own government.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Superlative Forms of Modifiers - Definition and Examples

Superlative Forms of Modifiers s The superlative is the form or degree of an adjective or adverb that indicates the most or the least of something. Superlatives are either marked by the suffix -est  (as in the fastest bike) or identified by the word most or least (the most difficult job). Almost all  one-syllable  adjectives, along with some two-syllable adjectives, add -est  to the base to form the superlative.  In most adjectives of two or more  syllables, the superlative is identified by the word  most or least.  Not all adjectives and adverbs have superlative forms. After a superlative, in or of a noun phrase can be used to indicate what is being compared (as in the tallest building in the world and the best time of my life). Exercises and Quizzes Exercise in Using the Comparative and Superlative Forms of AdjectivesPractice in Forming the Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adverbs Examples and Observations This is the saddest story I have ever heard.(Ford Maddox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1915)The [New York City] subway is a gift to any connoisseur of superlatives. It has the longest rides of any subway in the world, the biggest stations, the fastest trains, the most track, the most passengers, the most police officers. It also has the filthiest trains, the most bizarre graffiti, the noisiest wheels, the craziest passengers, the wildest crimes.(Paul Theroux, Subterranean Gothic. Granta, 1984)[O]f all forms of tyranny, the least attractive and most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth.(Theodore Roosevelt,  Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography, 1913)Bart Simpson: This is the worst day of my life.Homer Simpson: The worst day of your life so far.(The Simpsons Movie, 2007)In one second, without any previous training or upbringing, he had become the wettest man in Worcestershire.​​  (P.G. Wodehouse, Very Good, Jeeves, 1930)I responded in what I thought was the most truthfulor least untruthfulmanner, by saying no.(James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, explaining why he told Congress in March 2013 that the National Security Agency doesnt intentionally collect data on millions of Americans) To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.(Arthur Conan Doyle)[T]he newspaper business, despite its many flaws, managed to do a lot of good. And it employed, in its newsrooms, the smartest, hardest-working, funniest, quirkiest, most cynical and at the same time idealistic group of borderline insane people Ive ever known.(Dave Barry, Ill Mature When Im Dead. Berkley, 2010)It is turning out to be the most beautiful, most quiet, largest, most generous, sky-vaulted summer Ive ever seen or knowninordinately blue, with greener leaves and taller trees than I can remember, and the sound of the lawnmowers all over this valley is a sound I could hum to forever. (Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist. Simon Schuster, 2009)The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.  (William James) Double Comparatives and Superlatives Speakers of vernacular dialects often use double comparatives and superlatives such as more higher and most fastest. Although such constructions may seem redundant or even illogical, in reality both standard and nonstandard varieties of all languages are replete with such constructions. In English the redundant comparative dates back to the 1500s. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, suffixes, rather than a preceding more or most, almost always marked the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, regardless of word length. In the Early Modern English period . . . [double markings were commonly used to indicate special emphasis, and they do not appear to have been socially disfavored.​  (comparative, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., 2000) Unusual Superlatives Make sure your gathering is the meatiest, cheesiest, feastiest ever with our platters, cold subs, salads, snacks, and desserts.  (Firehouse Subs, Savannah, Georgia)- Another of Springfield’s belovedest citizens has been murdered.  (Kent Brockman in The Simpsons) Pronunciation: soo-PUR-luh-tiv

Monday, October 21, 2019

Delphi Programming User and Application Data Storage

Delphi Programming User and Application Data Storage When you need to store some content related to your Delphi application on the users hard disk, you should take care of the support for state separation of user data, user settings, and computer settings. For example, The Application Data folder in Windows should be used to store application-specific documents such as INI files, application state, temp files or similar. You should never use hard-coded paths to specific locations, such as c:\Program Files, as this may not work on other versions of Windows because the location of folders and directories can change with different versions of Windows. The SHGetFolderPath Windows API Function The SHGetFolderPath is available in the SHFolder unit. SHGetFolderPath retrieves the full path of a known folder identified. Heres a custom wrapper function around the SHGetFolderPath API to help you get any of the standard folders for all or the currently logged Windows user. Heres an example of using the SHGetFolderPath function: Drop a TRadioButtonGroup (name: RadioGroup1) on a formDrop a TLabel (name: Label1) on a formAdd 5 items to the radio group:[Currenty User]\My DocumentsAll Users\Application Data[User Specific]\Application DataProgram FilesAll Users\DocumentsHandle the RadioGroups OnClick event as: Note: [Current User] is the name of the currently logged in Windows user. Note: The SHGetFolderPath is a superset of SHGetSpecialFolderPath. You should not store application-specific data (such as temporary files, user preferences, application configuration files, and so on) in the My Documents folder. Instead, use an application-specific file that is located in a valid Application Data folder. Always append a subfolder to the path that SHGetFolderPath returns. Use the following convention: \Application Data\Company Name\Product Name\Product Version.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shakespeare Sonnet 4 - Analysis

Shakespeare Sonnet 4 - Analysis Shakespeare’s Sonnet 4: Sonnet 4: Unthrifty Loveliness, Why Dost Thou Spend is interesting because it is as concerned with the fair youth passing on his attributes to his children as the preceding three sonnets. However, to achieve this, the poet uses money lending and inheritance as a metaphor. The fair youth is accused of being frivolous; spending on himself, rather than thinking of the legacy he could be leaving his children. The fair youth’s beauty is used as currency in this poem and the speaker suggests that beauty should be passed onto his offspring as a kind of inheritance. The poet again depicts the fair youth as quite a selfish character in this poem, suggesting that nature has lent him this beauty which he should pass on – not hoard! He is warned in no uncertain terms that his beauty will die with him which has been a recurrent theme in the sonnets. The poet uses business language to clarify his purpose and his metaphorical position. For example, â€Å"Unthrifty†, â€Å"niggard†, â€Å"usurer†, â€Å"sum of sums†, â€Å"audit† and â€Å"executor†. Discover the sonnet first hand here: Sonnet 4. Sonnet 4: The Facts Sequence: Fourth in the Fair Youth Sonnets  sequenceKey Themes: Procreation, death prohibiting the continuation of beauty, money-lending and inheritance, not leaving a legacy to offspring, the fair youth’s selfish attitude in relation to his own attributes.Style:  Written in iambic pentameter  in sonnet form Sonnet 4: A Translation Wasteful, beautiful young man, why do you not pass on your beauty to the world? Nature has lent you good looks but she only lends to those who are generous, but you are a miser and abuse the amazing gift you have been given. A money lender cannot make money if he does not pass it on. If you only do business with yourself you will never reap the benefits of your riches. You are deceiving yourself. When nature takes your life what will you leave behind? Your beauty will go with you to your grave, not having been passed on to another. Sonnet 4: Analysis This obsession with the fair youth procreating is prevalent in the sonnets. The poet is also concerned with the fair youth’s legacy and is committed to convincing him that his beauty must be passed on. The metaphor of beauty as currency is also employed; perhaps the poet believes that the fair youth would relate to this analogy more easily as we are given the impression that he is quite selfish and greedy and is perhaps motivated by material gains? In many ways, this sonnet pulls together the argument set out in the previous three sonnets, and arrives at a conclusion: The Fair Youth may die childless and have no way of continuing on his line. This is at the heart of the tragedy for the poet. With his beauty, the Fair Youth could have anyone he wanted, and procreate. Through his children, he would live on, and so too would his beauty. But the poet suspects that he will not use his beauty properly and die childless. This thought leads the poet to write  Thy unused beauty must be tombed with thee. In the final line, the poet considers that perhaps it is natures intention for him to have a child. If the Fair Youth can procreate, then this leads the poet to consider his beauty enhanced because it fits into the overarching plan of nature.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Program Need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Program Need - Essay Example Of those children who have asthma, a large proportion of them are considered overweight when compared with peer groups. Type II diabetes has become more prevalent in children, mostly due to the obesity epidemic in America. Prior to 1992, childhood obesity contributed to only two to four percent. In 1994, that number had risen to sixteen percent. Obese children have a 12.6 times greater risk of having a high fasting blood insulin level, which is a factor for type II diabetes. High blood pressure, called hypertension, is also on the rise in children. There is a nine times greater risk of elevated blood pressure occurring persistently in obese children than in non-obese children. In addition, obese children and adolescents are 2.4 times more likely to have a high diastolic blood pressure reading and 4.5 times more likely to have an elevated systolic blood pressure reading than non-obese children. Orthopedic complications are another negative aspect of childhood obesity. These complicati ons are due to the fact that the growing bones and cartilage of growing children are not yet strong enough to support excess weight (Obesity in Youth, 2005). The psychosocial effects are just as important as the physical consequences of obesity. White girls, who are more likely to develop a negative body image, are greatly impacted by childhood obesity. These girls are then at a greater risk for the development of eating disorders later in life. Adolescent females report stigmatizing consequences of being obese. These include weight-related teasing by peers, name calling, and harmful comments by family members, coworkers, peers, and friends. Children and adolescents also report that others make negative assumptions about them due to their weight. These assumptions include that they are lazy, inactive, tough, and unclean (Collins, 2005). After-school exercise programs are becoming more popular throughout America. These programs are an excellent way for children to become more active and learn lifetime fitness skills. At one school in Virginia, students not only exercise and eat healthy snacks, they learn lifetime fitness skills such as calculating heart rate and using a pedometer to track their daily steps. Staff members are also involved in the program. Since the implementation of the program, one hundred students have become involved and staff members have lost a total of five hundred pounds (Glod, 2005). These positive results, combined with the growing prevalence of childhood obesity, clearly indicate the need for an after-school program in this district. Proposed Program Description The proposed program will have several components related to exercise participation, healthy eating, health education, and family and staff participation. The exercise component of the program will focus on cardiovascular wellness and incorporate aerobic exercises as well as strength-training activities. These activities can include walking, jogging, working with an exercise ball, using a rock climbing wall, calisthenics, isometric exercises, and working with free weights. Healthy eating will also play an important role in the after-school exercise program. The snacks that are provided will be low in sugar, fat, cholesterol, and sodium and will be of good nutritional value for the participants. These snacks can include fresh fruits,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Argumentative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argumentative Research - Essay Example This essay will try to decide the question whether multiculturalism is good or bad for America. America has been called a melting pot of cultures since the last many decades. The situation is so prevalent that when you see whole areas of cities being taken over by a particular community like Chinese, Indians, Armenians and Latinos, you wonder if you really are in America after all. It is so surprising to see that road signs, shop signs and advertisements for products, services and even jobs are put up in Chinese, Hindi, Spanish or whatever the language of use in these parts of America. Added to this, these groups are often very protective of their rights and duties and would fight if any others want to take over their turf. They also want their own members who speak their own language to be part of the local administration at City Hall and in the police and rescue services. Of course there is Little China or Chinatown in a part of many cities but this part is locally devoted to Chinese cuisine and also sports a little of Chinese culture. As an international student in America I am glad for this although the dialect I speak may not be the same as theirs. Even a person who looks like a Chinaman is good enough to please me. So I think it is the same for people of other cultures and nationalities- that they are pleased to see and hear people who are from the same country as them or have people back in the home country. They generally get together in one area and seek to help others buy property in the same area till they form a majority and then the language is also changed to their home language and the culture becomes a set part of the landscape. According to something called diversity which is practiced in America there is a rule that if the majority of the local population is belonging to a particular culture, then there should also be adequate representation of these people in the local administration and

International Marketing Plan Part 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Marketing Plan Part 3 - Assignment Example The number of skating companies in the last couple of years has increased and it is expected that there will be new entrants in future as well (Bennett and Blythe, 2002). The biggest competitors in the skating industry are Rollerblade, Roces, Solomon and K2 and almost all of them make sure that they are available in all leading stores. International Skating will enter the market by supplying its products to the skate shops that sell the skates and its accessories in the specialty stores. Since its competitors are making sure that they are available in all the large chain stores which are the discount distributors as well. All the three products i.e. Skate Aids, Blade Boots and Skate Sails will be available in all the specialty stores. The reason for choosing the specialty stores is that the target market of Skate Aids is basically the premium market and they will go to these specialty stores to buy these exclusive products. Alongwith these skates, they will be able to buy other accessories as well and make huge amount of profit as well. Hence, this distribution policy will help the company in gaining the competitive edge. It is already mentioned in the marketing strategy that the company is focusing on the target market that is comprised of health and fitness, recreational and speed skaters. Since the company is targeting all the three sectors and has also developed in accordance with their requirements, it is expected that the company will be able to gain 80% of the market share. The competitive edge that the company has over its competitors is that it will offer product ranges within the reasonable price range so that the skaters can enjoy the most thrilling and exciting skating experience of their lives. The key target market can be said as the one that is trying to remain fit and health and for that they are looking for appropriate alternative to exercise. Since skating is one of the most exciting and thrilling sports, it is now the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Is Schizophrenia a Biological Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is Schizophrenia a Biological Disorder - Essay Example Because of the scarcity of evidence that can be relied upon the disease is difficult to be identified with symptoms only. Because of its unpredictable nature also because of lack of knowledge about its causes this disease is rightly called cancer of mental illness. Some scientists believe that researchers were successful in finding out the biological background of the disease in 1990s. The modern diagnostic equipment are somewhat useful in identifying the biological root causes of the disease. But the whole truth is yet to be discovered. This disease was recognized and treated in its primitive forms about 3,000 years ago. Although the present name schizophrenia was not used in those days it was called dementia, and late demence precoce etc. But later on a German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin presented a theory to call it a single disease quite similar to dementia praecox. But the theory of Kraeplin was rebuted by Eugene Bleuler. Bleuler thought that it is not a single disease similar to dementia praecox. According to symptoms clinical picture schizophrenia is divided into five subtypes. A person suffering from schizophrenia may not have symptoms of a single category so the usefulness of this division to subtypes is still considered a not very effective and reliable Schizophrenia is quite common disease it accounts for almost 50 percent of most of mental disorders. This syndrome is equally common in men and women. ... A person suffering from schizophrenia may not have symptoms of a single category so the usefulness of this division to subtypes is still considered a not very effective and reliable Prevailing views about Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is quite common disease it accounts for almost 50 percent of most of mental disorders. This syndrome is equally common in men and women. It is observed that disease may attack patient in his or her 30s. But this is not a hard and fast rule. It can appear in the later age of the patient also. It is also said that most of the patients of this disease live in poorer areas of the cities. Some scholars think that the patients suffering from this disease can not survive financially in well off or middle class areas because of the disease so they have to move to the poorer areas. Others have a different view, they think that this disease most commonly cause by stress and anxiety related to financial problems, that is why most of the patients are from poorer areas of the cities. Common Symptoms Traditionally it is not easy for a therapist to assess and diagnose the person with this syndrome. The doctor would have to carefully review the symptoms prevalent in the patient. The doctors have to rely upon the information provided by the people closely affiliated to the patient. The doctors also confirm their assessment by keeping the person under observation and results of mental status are also used for getting correct diagnosis. Therapist mostly focus on thoughts disorders, deception. Patient can get preoccupied by illusions relate religion or beliefs. Many people with schizophrenia have disturbances in expressions and emotions. The patients may no feel no regard or connection with

Customer equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Customer equity - Essay Example Value equity is the customer's objective assessment of the utility of an offering based on perceptions of its benefits relative to its cost. The sub drivers of value equity are quality, price and convenience. Brand equity is the customer's subject time and intangible assessment of the brand, beyond its objectively perceived value. The sub drivers of brand equity are customer brand awareness, customer attitude towards the brand and customer perception of brand ethics. Relationship equity is the customer's tendency to stick with the brand, beyond objective and subjective assessment of its worth. Sub drivers include loyalty programs, special recognition and treatment programs, community building programs and knowledge building programs. In the present relationship-marketing situation, most of the companies using technology such as E-mail, websites, call centers, databases and database software are helping to foster continuous contact between company and customers. Companies that want to develop strong customer relationships generally add financial benefits, social benefits and structural ties to its product. In providing financial benefits, companies provide customer the frequency rewards and club marketing. Today, most supermarket champions including Sainsbury offer price club cards and provide member customer with discounts. Many companies have created club membership programs to strengthen relationship with customers. Open clubs are good for building a database or snagging customers from competitors, limited membership clubs are more powerful long-term loyalty builders. Companies' personnel work on increasing social bonds with customers by individualizing and personalizing customer relationships. Customer relationship is more or less of the view that customer must maximize his or her relationship with the company through up selling and at the same time, enhancing profitability by identifying, attracting and retaining the best customers. Through better relations hip and customer's information, customer time could be saved. Putting better customer relationship requires developing a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of front office needs including automation of customer services, field service, sales and marketing. The main aim of better customer relationship includes acquiring, enhancing and retaining the customer. Sainsbury has done this quite successfully. To acquire and retain the customer and to develop a long-term relationship Sainsbury is providing healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food as well as at fair prices. Sainsbury's price competitiveness is currently the best. It has been for many years following the investment of more than 450 million pound over the last three years. Around 15,000 prices are checked every week to make sure its competitive position has been maintained. In August 2007, Sainsbury has launched. "Different values" campaign to provide its customer, the products of higher quality specifications and great values. In March 2003, Sainsbury launches "Feed your family for a fiver" campaign to reach out and maintain a long-term relationship with its customers through providing affordable, healthy and nutritious meals for a family of four could be prepared with the budget of 5 pound. Sainsbury's values are not just for food items but available for non-food

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is Schizophrenia a Biological Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is Schizophrenia a Biological Disorder - Essay Example Because of the scarcity of evidence that can be relied upon the disease is difficult to be identified with symptoms only. Because of its unpredictable nature also because of lack of knowledge about its causes this disease is rightly called cancer of mental illness. Some scientists believe that researchers were successful in finding out the biological background of the disease in 1990s. The modern diagnostic equipment are somewhat useful in identifying the biological root causes of the disease. But the whole truth is yet to be discovered. This disease was recognized and treated in its primitive forms about 3,000 years ago. Although the present name schizophrenia was not used in those days it was called dementia, and late demence precoce etc. But later on a German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin presented a theory to call it a single disease quite similar to dementia praecox. But the theory of Kraeplin was rebuted by Eugene Bleuler. Bleuler thought that it is not a single disease similar to dementia praecox. According to symptoms clinical picture schizophrenia is divided into five subtypes. A person suffering from schizophrenia may not have symptoms of a single category so the usefulness of this division to subtypes is still considered a not very effective and reliable Schizophrenia is quite common disease it accounts for almost 50 percent of most of mental disorders. This syndrome is equally common in men and women. ... A person suffering from schizophrenia may not have symptoms of a single category so the usefulness of this division to subtypes is still considered a not very effective and reliable Prevailing views about Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is quite common disease it accounts for almost 50 percent of most of mental disorders. This syndrome is equally common in men and women. It is observed that disease may attack patient in his or her 30s. But this is not a hard and fast rule. It can appear in the later age of the patient also. It is also said that most of the patients of this disease live in poorer areas of the cities. Some scholars think that the patients suffering from this disease can not survive financially in well off or middle class areas because of the disease so they have to move to the poorer areas. Others have a different view, they think that this disease most commonly cause by stress and anxiety related to financial problems, that is why most of the patients are from poorer areas of the cities. Common Symptoms Traditionally it is not easy for a therapist to assess and diagnose the person with this syndrome. The doctor would have to carefully review the symptoms prevalent in the patient. The doctors have to rely upon the information provided by the people closely affiliated to the patient. The doctors also confirm their assessment by keeping the person under observation and results of mental status are also used for getting correct diagnosis. Therapist mostly focus on thoughts disorders, deception. Patient can get preoccupied by illusions relate religion or beliefs. Many people with schizophrenia have disturbances in expressions and emotions. The patients may no feel no regard or connection with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Globalization_Integrative_essay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Globalization_Integrative_essay - Essay Example Robinson and Amartya Sen respectively. William Robinson argues, â€Å"Scholars and activists have tended to underrate the  universal nature of the dynamics involved in globalization that is redefining all the basic reference points of human community and social evaluation, and needs a modification of all existing patterns.   In the systemic dynamics which are driven by and that drives globalization, we are gradually witnessing an international conflict between capital and poor labor force in the South,  and  a labor force that is being proletarianised in the North. Robinson argues that this divergence is incubated via and worsened by technologically mediated novelties in capitalist production procedures that gradually discipline labor.  Disciplinary activities   comprise: threats of outsourcing; enforcing dynamics to terms of employment; employing technology and competence in production to drive down wages; privatization or attrition of social welfare; the employ of technology to supervise the work; and grad ually deflationary economic laws that attack standards of living for all-bar social elites. For Robinson, the means through which international capital is hatched out of state capitals in the global North is the main theme of globalization. He sees an effect in the capture by international elites of the state equipment for control in the global North and the effort to do so in the global South. He continues arguing in a  discussion paper  that in realizing the procedure of capitalism in its neoliberal phase, and in shaping reactions to it, it is critical to evaluate how  globalization is â€Å"a qualitatively new international stage in the on-going development of world capitalism†. This backs  Ellen Meiksins Wood’s view that we are living at a time when capitalism for ones has become a real universal system. Capitalism is worldwide also in the feeling that its logic – the logic of accumulation, profit-maximization, commodification, competition – has

Monday, October 14, 2019

Scarlet Letter Literary Paper Essay Example for Free

Scarlet Letter Literary Paper Essay The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, written in 1850, is a product of the literary struggle between Classicism and Romanticism. Classicism is based upon writing in a traditional tone that involves no emotion, while Romanticism is the idea of letting emotion flow through literary outlets, such as a novel. This struggle is plainly embodied in the character of Hester Prynne, who must contain her passionate personality to the guidelines placed before her in a strict Puritan society. Within a Puritan society, committing a sin is viewed as the worst possible thing one could do and one must be punished accordingly for it. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne turned back to the age of his first American ancestor for a historical background against which to display a tragic drama of guiltrevealed and concealed, real and imaginedand its effects on those touched by the guilt (Dictionary of Literary Biography, 3). Guilt is a strong after-effect of sin within The Scarlet Letter. The consequences and effects of sin are different to every person who commits one. The novel, The Scarlet Letter opens as the narrator states that Hester Prynne and the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale have committed adultery and that Hester has borne a child named Pearl. Hester is punished publicly for her sin of adultery by the placing of a scarlet letter on her breast and public humiliation, while Dimmesdale does not confess to the sin and is spared public scorning for it. Instead, Dimmesdale must seek inner redemption through physical beatings and praying, with little success. Hawthorne utilizes his novel to trace the less visible, long-range effects of a sin such as adultery, in the harsh setting of Puritan society through Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, and Hester Prynne in order to illustrate how an obsession with vengeance or a devotion to atonement can destroy a persons spirit or personality. Through the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, Hawthorne shows that man can decrease his spiritual worth through his devotion to atonement. Reverend Dimmesdale originally sees himself as a holy, righteous man of the Lord, but quickly begins to rethink his position in the Puritan society after he commits the sin of adultery and then publicly denies it. Dimmesdales view of his spiritual worth decreases when he notices that his actions have lead  to Hester facing public ridicule through her punishment, that she should stand a certain time upon the platform (63). While Hesters punishment exposes her to embarrassment in front of the entire community, Dimmesdales part in the sin is hidden from society to stew within his mind. The platform of pillory (62) that Hester is placed upon exposes her to the glaring eyes of Puritan society, leaving cowardly Dimmesdale to deny his part in the sin of adultery. Obvious to the Puritan society, Hester did not commit her sin alone, for she could not conceive a child without a male, but there is no way to expose the father. Another result of Dimmesdale keeping his sin to himself is leaving Hester open to the gossip of the well-to-do women in town. One woman decides that At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynnes forehead (59), and another woman states that Hester has brought shame upon all and ought to die (59). While Hester is being ridiculed on the scaffold, Dimmesdale screams to her that [He] charge[s] thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer (73) even though he knows in his heart that he is the fellow-sinner of Hester Prynne. In questioning Hester on her partner in adultery, he is once again lowering his spiritual worth by adding hypocrisy to his sin. Dimmesdale then makes Hester even more isolated in her sin of adultery by forcing Reverend Wilson to give a discourse on sin, in all its branches, with continual reference to the ignominious [scarlet] letter (74). His speech is so powerful that it causes Hesters scarlet letter to [assume new terrors in [the puritan societys] imagination, and it seemed to derive its scarlet hue from the flames of the infernal pit (74). Dimmesdale once again diminishes himself by not daring to show himself to Hester leaving her lonelyand without a friend on earth who dared to show himself (85). After Reverend Wilsons speech, Dimmesdale begins to try to improve his spiritual worth. He continues to ignore Hester but tries to help her in life. One day when she goes to the governors house to give him a pair of gloves she sewed for him, the governor tries to take Pearl, Hesters child and tells her my poor woman, the child shall be well cared for! Far better than thou canst do it (112). Hester cries out in terror and screams for Dimmesdale to speak thou for [her] (112), and Dimmesdale finally shows some spiritual improvement by telling the Governor that there is truth in what she says, and in the feeling which inspires her! God gave her the  child, and gave her, too, an instinctive knowledge of its nature and requirementsboth seemingly so peculiarwhich no other mortal being can possess. And, moreover, is there not a quality of awful sacredness in the relation between this mother and this child? (113). Dimmesdale tries to deal with the guilt of his sin by helping Hester. When he shows the Governor how much Hester needs her child, and her child needs her, he feels like he is finally doing something to help alleviate a little bit of his guilt. Reverend Dimmesdale begins to take responsibility for his actions when he defends Hester, but he still remains incapable of public confession. Because of this, Dimmesdale continues to physically punish himself his entire life through fasting and self-hatred. Chillingworth is introduced in The Scarlet Letter as being morally superior to Hester and Dimmesdale because he has not committed the sin of adultery. However, unlike Dimmesdale and Hester, Chillingworth does not work to further his spiritual worth, but instead he chooses to commit sin, perhaps leading to his ultimate demise. When Chillingworth arrives at Hesters public shaming on the scaffold he does not share in the societys anger at her because of her sin, and appears to sympathize with her. Chillingworth views himself as one of the causes for Hesters sin of adultery and make statements such as it was my folly (77) and mine was the first wrong (79). Chillingworth blames himself for Hesters adultery because he feels he betrayed thy budding youth into false and unnatural relation with my decay (80). Puritan society also views Chillingworth as a positive influence on the community because he brings a physicians frankly offered skill (70) to the society. However, the plot soon reveals that Chillingworth is not in the community for good, he is there to destroy Dimmesdale. Chillingworth has no intentions to harm Hester, however, and tells her Even if I imagine a scheme of vengeance, what I could do better for my object than to let thee liveso that this burning shame may still blaze upon thy bosom? (78). Chillingworth avenges Hesters sin by letting her live and forcing her to go on with her shame. The consequence of sin upon Chillingworth is not a consequence of his own sin, but of the joint sin of Hester and Dimmesdale. At first, the reader cannot tell Chillingworths true intentions but Hester soon draws the conclusion that Chillingworths acts are like mercy, bit his  words interpret thee as a terror (81). She even goes as far as to describe him as the Black Man that haunts the forest (82). Chillingworth begins to act immorally, reducing his spiritual worth just like Dimmesdale. Chillingworths obsession commences with his unrelenting search for Hesters fellow sinner. This unhealthy search, not only deteriorates Chillingworths moral status within the novel, his inner sin begins to show itself in his outward appearance. Hester remarks, how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier(113). Hester also states that, his figure appeared more misshapen (113) than she remembered it from the years they lived together as husband and wife. The deterioration of his physical appearance shows the sin that is taking over his body and soul. Throughout the novel, The Scarlet Letter a drastic change comes over Chillingworths character. Chillingworth ends the novel as a man obsessed with nothing other than vengeance upon those have committed sin against him. Within a Puritan society, committing a sin is viewed as the worst possible thing one could do and one must be punished accordingly for it. In The Scarlet Letter the sin of adultery not only affects the committers of the sin, Dimmesdale and Hester, but also Chillingworth, Hesters husband. The consequences and effects of sin are different to every person who commits one. Hester grows wiser from her sin, and becomes a better person, Dimmesdale slowly destroys himself, and Chillingworth becomes bent on revenge and eventually is the cause of his own demise.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Effects of Climate Change on Human Health

Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Climate change has become a hot issue lately. 21st century has to face a new crisis that could have long term effects on the world as well as on human health. Climate change becomes a hot topic now because of things that human have been doing for the last 100 years have been increasing and can change the Earth climate. If there is no preventions, climate change could happen very fast than any in the last 1000 years. Climate change in many ways. Climate changes dramatic and rapid, some the result of the impacts from comets or asteroids (New England Aquarium, 2012). But today, human activities have become the main force causing climate to change rapidly. Climate change is not only about change to the weather. It could affects the environment that people, plants, and animals depend on. This means that climate change is not affect human only but it is about plants, animal, and all the other living and non-living things such as soil, rocks, oceans, and lakes. The melting of polar ice caps shows that human being needs to be concerned about climate change. The rising of sea level could damage the land and if it is occurs without any attention to stop it, human could lose their homes. The effects of climate change that have occurred could wake the people up about the importance to preserve the Earth. Scientists believe that climate change could increase the spreading of disease. Dissemination of diseases could lead to heat-related illnesses and even death. Extreme weather such as storms, could increase the risk of high winds, dangerous flooding, and direct threats to human being and property (United State Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). The number of people facing health problems caused by climate change will rise. Climate change not only causes damage to the Earth, it could also affect human health. Climate change can lead to mental health problems and stress-related disorders, asthma, respiratory allergies and airway diseases, and foodborne diseases and malnu trition. Climate change could bring mental health problems and stress-related disorders. Mental health is a point of well-being in individual when he or she realizes his or her abilities, can work productively, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. In certain cases, many mental health disorders can also lead to other chronic diseases and even death. Stress- related disorders comes from abnormal responses to acute or prolonged anxiety, and included diseases such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is been reported that 26.2 per cent of Americans over the age of 18 suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder in a given year, 9.5 per cent suffer from mood disorders, and 6 per cent undergo serious mental illness (Environmental Health Perspectives and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 2010). In 2008, a boy is depressed and is admitted to the psychiatric unit at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne as he refusing to drink water because worrying about millions of people would die if he drink the water (Anthes, 2009). This situation shows that even climate change could lead to mental health problems and stress-related disorders. Some children also having terrible nightmares about global-warming-related natural disasters. Responsible persons should know their roles to prevent mental health problem on children before it is too late as they are too young to face climate change. Family members loss is also one of the cause that lead to mental health problems and stress-related disorders. Tornadoes and wildfires, floods, and droughts have caused mental suffering to people since time eternal (Ferris, 2012). Extreme events cause damage or loss of property, death or injury of loved ones, and last but not least the recovery efforts could also lead to stress. Besides, climate change also could cause asthma, respiratory allergies, and airway diseases. A group of doctors said that climate change can lead to the variety of respiratory diseases (Koebler, 2012). Asthma is a chronic disease in which the airways of the lungs become inflamed or narrowed resulting in disruptions to normal breathing pattern. Asthma has become the second main cause of other chronic diseases affecting children. Asthma affects mostly five years old children. However, the frequency of asthma is highest among adults. This disease is dangerous as it could block the airways and end in death if action is not taken fast. Climate change threatens asthma in many ways. Higher temperatures caused by climate change increase certain greenhouse gases such as ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitric oxide. Smog caused by minute particles from smoke stack emissions and diesel exhaust particles from vehicles create danger for people with respiratory illnesses such as chronic obstructive pu lmonary disease and cystic fibrosis, as well as asthmatics (Scott, 2012). Ground level ozone which is a toxic component of smog causes asthma attacks and makes existing asthma become worse. Dust, soot, fly ash, and exhaust particles can become lodged in the lungs and also could trigger asthma attacks. Research have been made and shown that the number of hospitalisations for asthma has increases as the level of particulate matter rise (Natural Resources Defense Council, 2005). Air pollution also could lead to asthma, respiratory allergies, and airway diseases. Air pollution includes greenhouse gases that could cause global warming by trapping heat from the Sun in the Earths atmosphere. Climate change could cause foodborne diseases and malnutrition. Foodborne disease is a disease caused by consuming contaminated food or drink (, 2012). There are more than 250 known as foodborne diseases and most of them are caused by bacteria, parasites, and also viruses. Foodborne diseases spreading in many ways. First symptoms effect in gastrointestinal tract as all foodborne microbes and toxins enter the body (, 2012). High air temperature can boost cases of Salmonella and bacteria-related food poisoning as bacteria tends to grow rapidly in warm environments (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). These kind of diseases are dangerous as it could cause gastrointestinal distress and death. Heavy rainfall also can spread foodborne diseases by the overflows from sewage treatment plants into fresh water sources and finally effect certain food crops with pathogen-containing feces. Other diseases related with foodborne are Campylobacter, E. C oli, and Calcivirus. Malnutrition is the insufficient, excessive or imbalanced consumption of nutrients (Medical News Today, 2010). Climate change causes insufficient in food all over the world. Depletion of nutritionals food causing many mineral deficiency among people and in certain cases it could lead to death. Poor diet could lead to a vitamin or mineral deficiency and sometimes causing in scurvy, a disease where an individual has a vitamin C deficiency (Medical News Today, 2012). Scurvy still occur although it is a very rare disease. It affects elderly people, alcoholics, or people who live on a diet devoid of fresh fruits and vegetables. Beriberi is caused by lack of vitamin B1. This disease affects the nervous system (Elizabeth Quinn, 2008). Pellagra is also a disease related to malnutrition. It is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B3. Rickets are caused by the deficiency of vitamin D, phosphorus, or calcium in body. People who are infected with this disease suffer from fragi le bones, delayed growth, pain in bones, and muscle weakness (Elizabeth Quinn, 2008). Climate change has many consequences and effects to the Earth and to humans. Climate change can lead to mental health problems and stress-related disorders. mental health problems not only effect adult but also among children. They tend to have nightmares about global-warming-related natural disasters. Family loss also one of the causes of mental health problems and stress-related disorders. Climate change leads to asthma, respiratory allergies, and airway diseases. Asthma is dangerous as it could block the airways and will lead to death if action is not taken fast. Dust, soot, fly ash, and exhaust particles are dangerous as they become lodged in the lungs and also could trigger asthma attacks. Asthma could attack anytime and anywhere. Precautions are needed for people who already suffer from asthma. Climate change decreases the production of foods on Earth. This situation could lead to foodborne diseases and malnutrition. Foodborne disease is a disease caused by consuming contaminat ed food or drink while malnutrition is the insufficient, excessive of imbalanced consumption of nutrients. Foodborne diseases mostly caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Diseases related to malnutrition are scurvy, Pellagra, and rickets. There are many ways to prevent climate change. Prevention is needed to save the Earth and secure a better place for human being. Human should walk, bike, take mass transit, or carpooling to reduce gas consumption that could lead to asthma. Recycle can saved up to 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide each year if people recycle half of his or her household waste (, 2007). Replacing a compact fluorescent from a regular light bulb could saves 150 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. Turn off your television, computer, and other electronic devices when are not in use as it could save each household thousand of carbon dioxide every year. People can plant trees. Trees can absorb one tone of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. The most important way is by stay informed about the environmental issues (, 2007).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mans best friend Essay -- essays research papers fc

Man’s Best Friend   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Who do you consider your best friend? Is it the person you grew up with? Is it your husband or wife? For many it is someone that is always they’re for them when sad or lonely, or when one needs to talk, cry, or laugh. However, thousands of Americans are turning to their dogs for a favorite companion. This paper will explore the enduring phrase â€Å"Man’s Best Friend† and the loyalty, faithfulness, intelligence, and companionship shared by dogs and masters that make this statement true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some might ask, why would anyone consider a dog their best friend? For many dog owners the answer would be loyalty. In a story from the Christian Science Monitor author William H. Carlile wrote, â€Å"There is a hero on West Eunice Street just outside the suburb of Tucson: a two-year-old female English Springer Spaniel named Brandy. She is credited by law-enforcement officials with attacking and chasing off an intruder last year at the home of her owners, Jerry and Kendal Plank, despite having been shot five times by a 9mm semiautomatic machine gun.†(11) This story is an excellent example of the loyalty a dog can acquire towards its masters, to be able to protect and even save lives. Loyalty is a very common trait given to dogs by their owners. Many of those who talk of the loyalty their dogs have for them will also have an incredible story to back up their beliefs. In an article in The Australian, an experienced hunter fell into a ravine and was unable to get out. He was there for five days before rescuers found him; they reported that temperatures fell below freezing at night and it rained three of the five night’s (007). His dog Bee, was able to get out of the ravine but decided to stay with his masters. Searcher Brent Keightley said, â€Å"If it wasn’t for the dog, Des wouldn’t have survived.† The article tells of how the dog slept with him to keep him warm during the freezing nights (007). This story not only demonstrates loyalty but also the faithfulness that a dog and master often share.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Man’s Best Friend† is often considered a household phrase. Many people think of the loyalty of a dog when they here this saying, but for some it is also the loyalty of the owner and the friendship that builds between them. For an old baseball coach of mine it is not only a household s... ... seem to provide pure enjoyment and entertainment through their intelligence and friendliness. This statement, â€Å"Man’s Best Friend†, will continue to prove itself true for years to come, with new exciting and fun stories for everyone to enjoy. Works Cited Bankston, John. â€Å"Augusta, Ga., Bakery Caters to Man’s Best Friend.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Augusta Chronicle 23 Nov. 2001 Carlile, William H. â€Å"’Man’s Best Friend’ is also Lifesaving Hero and Protector.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christian Science Monitor 23 Oct. 1997, Vol. 89 Issue 230, p11, 1c Hadnot, Ira J. â€Å"Man’s Best Friend Understands Us Better than We Think, Researcher   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Suggests.† Dallas Morning News 8 Sep. 2000 Mosley, Ray. â€Å"For Our Best Friends, a New French Perfume That Smells Like Puppies.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chicago Tribune 22 Dec. 2000 N. A. â€Å"Courtroom ‘Eulogy for a Dog’ was Phrase’s Origin, Exhibit says With FEA-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Man’s Best Friend-Eulogy.† AP Worldstream 15 May. 2001 N.A. â€Å"This Man’s Best Friend Kept Him Alive for Five Days.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Australian 15 Aug. 2001 ed.: 1. Section: World, pg. 007

Friday, October 11, 2019


IJARAH – (Lease to Own) In mode of financing, lease is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from one person to another person for an agreed time period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Islamic leasing contract, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of ‘Ijarah’ is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic term â€Å"Ujr† or â€Å"Ujrat† which means ‘consideration' or ‘return' or ‘wages'.In simple words ‘Ijarah’ defines; contract of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of financing is use in case of equipment as well as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. According to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two parties (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing; an owner (Lessor) transfers i ts usufruct to Lessee for an agreed time period on contract basis. In return, lessee obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a fixed period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by banks and institution to facilitate customers and provide car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key words 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) – The individual or organization who leases out/rents out the property or service is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee: (Mustajir) – The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) – The benefit that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Aj'r or Ujrat) – The consideration either in monetary terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Aj'r. Some important aspects of Ijarah Financing †¢ Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually understanding of the both parties. †¢ At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example: Money, Wheat. E. g †¢ Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. †¢ Lessee acts as an ‘Ameen’. In case of any damage to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. †¢ Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not increase the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In first step customer find the bank with the request for financing and ente rs into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) from the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of ownership from the vendor. 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of separate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. But in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank signed another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as â€Å" Ijarah – Wal â₠¬â€œ Iqtina â€Å" Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three general terminology used for Ijarah agreement as follows: 1. Wording of the agreement: Offer and acceptance word must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties: This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract: This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and ownership of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on pay ment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a separate sale contract. Ijaraha IJARAH – (Lease to Own) In mode of financing, lease is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from one person to another person for an agreed time period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Islamic leasing contract, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of ‘Ijarah’ is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic term â€Å"Ujr† or â€Å"Ujrat† which means ‘consideration' or ‘return' or ‘wages'.In simple words ‘Ijarah’ defines; contract of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of financing is use in case of equipment as well as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. According to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two parties (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing; an owner (Lessor) transfers i ts usufruct to Lessee for an agreed time period on contract basis. In return, lessee obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a fixed period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by banks and institution to facilitate customers and provide car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key words 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) – The individual or organization who leases out/rents out the property or service is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee: (Mustajir) – The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) – The benefit that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Aj'r or Ujrat) – The consideration either in monetary terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Aj'r. Some important aspects of Ijarah Financing †¢ Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually understanding of the both parties. †¢ At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example: Money, Wheat. E. g †¢ Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. †¢ Lessee acts as an ‘Ameen’. In case of any damage to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. †¢ Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not increase the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In first step customer find the bank with the request for financing and ente rs into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) from the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of ownership from the vendor. 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of separate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. But in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank signed another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as â€Å" Ijarah – Wal â₠¬â€œ Iqtina â€Å" Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three general terminology used for Ijarah agreement as follows: 1. Wording of the agreement: Offer and acceptance word must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties: This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract: This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and ownership of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on pay ment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a separate sale contract.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Gang Prevention

Broad Topic: Youth Gangs Narrow Topic: The Prevention of Gangs in Los Angeles Thesis Statement: The Mass Media Influences on Youth Joing Gangs I. Introduction A. Is our youth and teens being influenced by the mass media to join gangs? B. Is the media becoming more violent? C. What options do youth and teens have to prevent joing gangs? II. Body A. Behavior 1. The mass media portrays gang member behavior. 2. Language and dress code are taught to kids at a young age. B. Effects 1. Execution of gang members 2. Getting away without being caughtConclusion A. Community-chosen programs to lure youth, keep them busy and happy, and even motivate them to change their ways. B. The local social conditions in which our youth are raised in larger cultural generate great numbers of violence in individuals. Q1. â€Å"Most cities trying to reduce gang violence deny that they specifically target at-risk kids. As Nanette Smejkal, director of El Paso's parks and recreation department, says, â€Å"From our perspective, all kids are at risk. That's why they need positive programs†(Weintraub).This shows how youth gang prevention provived by the city during the summer to all its recreation centers and parks for kids under the age of 17. Waiving the annual membership fee that proved onerous for many poorer youngsters. Q2. â€Å"It is guns, it is poverty, it is overcrowding, and it is the uniquely American problem of a culture that is infatuated with violence. We love it, we glamorize it, we teach it to our children†(Surette). This demonstrates that our youth and armed aggression is not an American cultural right,and will determine the media's ultimate relationship to youth and violence.We must as a society address everything we can, such as economic inequities, the gun culture, and the glamorization of violence. And, by a slow, painful, generational process of moral leadership and example, we must work to modify the individual, family, and neighborhood factors that viole ntly predispose youth. Q3. â€Å"The debasement of our culture, of which gangsta rap is a big part, has coarsened children in general and put high-risk kids in a dangerous place. Taking drugs,carrying uns, and disrespecting human beings is now not only socially acceptable in many situations, it is downright glamorous†(O’Reilly). This shows how we as a society can reduce one aspect of violence in a violent society and expect real results. Youth violence will not be seriously reduced without violence in other aspects of our culture being addressed. In the same vein, modifying media violence alone will not have much effect but to ignore it will make efforts on other fronts less successful.Despite the fact that the media have limited independent effects on youth violence, we need to expand the focus on them. P1. â€Å"Gangs are violating our children and our community how these kids walk around with these guns,† said Harlem Mothers SAVE co-founder Jackie Rowe-Adams. â€Å"We have to go after these laws on the federal level and go after the NRA and the ATE†(Adams). P2. â€Å"We are in a very dangerous situation because this was right outside of a school and kids were outside in the play area.What we are seeing now is not what we are used to seeing, which is a new phenomenon with conflict between groups from different neighborhoods†(Perkins). P3. â€Å"Kids join [gangs] for various reasons,† Donahue says. â€Å"But I also believe it's a breakdown of the family, and I know everybody paints that picture. But if they were getting that support at home, they wouldn't join the gangs. (Lozada7-14). Title:New weapons in the fight against gangsSource:Parks and Recreation Author:Boris Weintraub Publication Date: November 2009

New Testament interpretation also referred

The apostle Peter addressed the crowd for the first time after the Holy Spirit had come down on the apostles and the disciples on the day of the Pentecost.The crowd was amazed as they had heard them speaking in languages that they could understand. They knew they were Galileans but the crowd as made up of people from all over the region, including Parthians, Medes, Elamites.The quotation followed after a clarification from Peter that they were not drunk, instead they were speaking in tongues because of the pouring of the Holy Spirit. They were also prophesying in the Spirit. Prophecy was something that was prominent in Christianity and it was highlighted in the New Testament Christianity.The verses showed a relationship with how the Christians was conscious with the spirit of prophecy and how it had returned to them as community (Perrin 62). The importance they had attached it was evident in this speech that was a passage understood to be about the end of time as it was being fulfill ed among them.Historically, the book of Joel was grouped with pre-exilic prophets such as Amos and Micah. But there was little data to pinpoint the exact period by which it was written. If it was a plague of locusts, there was no data available for it. On the other hand, if locusts stood for an army invasion, there was little clue as to which threat it was (Barton 15).The entire book of Joel was seen to have no immediate relevance to anyone but had messages of how God would pour out spirit on all flesh as fulfilled in the book of Acts (Barton 3).Joel 2:28-32 was written in a context wherein there was an emphasis that not every one could benefit from the new order that was to come, not even everyone in Israel but only call on the name of the Lord (Barton 7).The previous passages before this verse represented Joel’s plea for the people to render their hearts to the Lord because of who God is. It was followed by how the Lord called His people to come back into His care.The gener al flow of the story started with presenting the dire state of the nation by which they need to proclaim a public lamentation (Barton 14). Following this lament, there were God’s promises for restoration as well as a glorious future.Difference in MeaningThe quotation in the New Testament also referred to the gift of the Spirit that was connected to the prediction Joel had made about how it would be given to mark the last days. In Joel’s time, the reference to the last days was not used. It was inserted precisely because it was the Apostolic Church and it was an eschatological event that took place (Filson 72).  (Filson 72). There were significant additions and changes that Peter had made in his speech that quoted the prophet Joel. The quotation was opened up with â€Å"In the last days, God says† (Acts 17) as well as â€Å"they shall prophesy (Acts 18) that was not originally seen in the Old Testament passage (Perrin & Duling 62).However small the additions t o the verses were, they provided for a deeper meaning and significance especially in the context by which it was pronounced in the New Testament.The prophet prophesied of the days of the Lord, something that was still connected to the restoration that God would bring from the period of lamentation and strife in the country. It was interpreted in the New Testament to be the start of the fulfillment of the prophecy for the last days.While in the book of Joel, there was only one set of signs that indicated the coming of the â€Å"day of the Lord,† the book of Acts showed two sets of signs that referred to the â€Å"sky above† and the â€Å"earth beneath† (Perrin & Duling 62).This referred to the differences in the time period. The signs of the sky above were about the signs that were outstanding and were still waiting to be fulfilled.On the other hand, the signs of the earth below referred to the coming of Jesus and how he fulfilled this prophecy that pointed to th e signs of the last days (Perrin & Duling 62).The additions were also significant in how the people saw themselves and characterized themselves as a community.While in the context in the book of Joel referred to these signs to be the immediate experience and imminent expectation, the New Testament interpretation also referred to the Christian’s conviction of being the End Time community wherein they were experiencing the first act of the divine drama that would shortly be followed by the second coming of Christ (Perrin & Duling 62).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discussion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Discussion - Movie Review Example Salvador painting represents surrealism painted in 1931 with significant representation of Dreamscapes that depicts the aforementioned logical attack (Smarthistory 1:23). A view of the painting creates a feeling and thought of desert-scape that inherently gives the sense of safety and satisfaction of being within the landscape generated by the art. The painting depicts an unbearable moment of quietness with significantly no observable movements amongst the elements. The environment created by the art displays absurd nature with seemingly dead tree and unrealistic clocks. The ants that seem to eat from a metal piece rather than rotten flesh further explains the irrational nature depicted in the art (Smarthistory 2:26). Besides the impossibilities and absurdity represented by the art, historians argue that the cliff in the background represents those of Catalonian coast that exist within Northern Spain. In addition, historians argue that the strange figure within the art represents a profile face with nose, tongue and eyelashes (Smarthistory 3:40). The art remains authoritative in explaining the conflict between rational and irrational ideas in humanity thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  Inherent elements of the art, including the strange figure, clock, cliff, and the dead tree explains how the human mind and thinking remain wired in reality. Salvador art represents objectivity of reality with the idealistic question over the existence of particular natural objects such as a clock. Ann Temkin explains the inherent era of artists that dominated by abstract expressionism that occurred between the 1940s and 1950s in New York. The event of abstract expressionism that brought several artists together had the urgency to explore self-creativity in artistry. Most importantly, abstract expressionism aimed at expressing the post-war occurrences. The event had great originality and creativity about the